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Sustainable Development Futures – Finland Futures Research Centre


Sustainable Development Futures

About US

Future-oriented research, renewable energy, sustainable development

The Sustainable Development Futures (SDF) –research group at the Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) conducts energy and climate research and designs and implements capacity-building in the developing regions of the world, namely the Mekong region and the Caribbean, as well as increasingly in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Energy choices made in developing countries today have long-ranging consequences, both in terms of investments and impacts on climate. Energy is in numerous ways linked to efforts to reduce poverty, improve human welfare and raise living standards. Energy solutions have long term impacts on the environment, economy and society. Securing access to affordable, safe, clean and sustainable energy is one of the greatest challenges in the near future.

  • on-going projects
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  • current partner countries
  • and more scientific publications since 2001

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Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, Turku

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