Sustainable Development Futures has implemented a number of research, capacity building and education projects throughout its history. Below you will find a list of our current projects, and a listing of all projects that have concluded their activities.
SUCCESSFUL supports Sri Lankan universities in building climate resilience and meeting the challenges posed by the increased pace of social, technological and political change. The project partnership fosters the development of quality climate education, facilitating Sri Lanka’s responses to climate and sustainability challenges of the future. Read more
LETSEMA strengthens the sustainable energy ecosystem in Lesotho, combining perspectives from higher education and vocational education in a cross-sectoral fashion. Project activities focus on (1) developing institutional capacities in management, administration, monitoring and evaluation, (2) improving equitable access to digital and high quality learning opportunities and (3) enhancing the capacities to provide high quality experiential and hands-on learning opportunities in the field of sustainable energy. Read more
PROPEL aims to engage in capacity-building and to facilitate futures-resilient sustainable energy education through the training of trainers-approach. The project enhances the skills and competences of Lesotho HEI staff in providing energy education by focusing on problem-based learning, online learning, and blended learning methodologies. Read more
DEPLOY develops sustainable energy study content from a holistic perspective and improves pedagogical expertise for the provision of high quality, problem-based and digital sustainable energy education and enhances internationalization activities between University of Turku, Aalto University and National University of Lesotho. Read more
MEEE project directly contributes to sustainable and inclusive socio-economic growth in Myanmar by enhancing capacities of local universities to provide quality education on sustainable energy. Myanmar is currently in a critical time in its energy transition. Enhancing access to energy and electrification, reducing CO2 emission and environmental pollution are priorities that require nationally grounded energy expertise. Read more…
IRIS project develops new tools and methods for the planning of energy systems. This project focuses on the ingration of variable sources of renewable energy, such as wind and solar energy, to the Cuban power grid. The goal is to develop renewable energy scenarios, which take into account the global development context and political, economic, social, technological, environmental and cultural dimensions related to development. Read more…
CRECE project supports Cuba in the provision of regionally relevant multidisciplinary education in sustainable energy engineering and renewable energy development. This is done in order to ensure that Cuban higher education institutions are better equipped and able to provide high-quality experts for the ever-growing societal and energy sector development needs. Read more…
BEYOND project aimed to narrow the gap between the initial objectives of Millennium Development Goals set in 2000, and the reality in the economic and political landscapes of today by putting more focus on national priorities and debates in Kenya and Tanzania. Read more…
CHEC project concentrated in the very topical issue of climate change and its evident impacts on the economic structures especially in the context of China and the European Union. Read more…
COOL analysed the implementation of four climate initiatives in Laos and Cambodia; Clean Development Mechanism (CDM); Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM); Reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+); and Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP). Read more…
DEEM project responded to the identified needs of the Mekong Higher Education Institutions to create sustainable energy engineering curricula, to improve the sustainable energy knowledge and promote innovative pedagogical approaches and skills to foster research oriented learning, and to improve the international, national and regional networks and knowledge exchange. Read more…
DIAMOND project’s primary aim was climate change mitigation and reduced deforestation through the provision of low cost water purification technologies to the rural poor in Cambodia and Laos. Read more…
DREAM project argued that the reason behind failed development projects especially in the environmental and energy sector is often the insufficient recognition of local needs and priorities. DREAM project focused particularly on renewable energy projects in Laos and Cambodia. Read more…
EL-TRAN aims to resolve policy problems involved in a transition to a resource efficient, climate neutral electricity system. In order to overcome issues that Finland might face in such transition, the consortium examines energy policy actors, interests, trends and structures. Read more…
ENERGY FOR ALL project was implemented by a consortium of seven organizations and research centres in nine countries across Europe. Between 2011 and 2014 the FFRC research team conducted case studies in Finland, the Mekong region and Cuba in order to examine the drivers of energy futures in the target countries and the alternatives that are needed to make them equitable and sustainable. Read more…
FREPLA incorporated resource development view point into a single research and development (R&D) set-up. The project aimed at identifying interlinkages, barriers, trade-offs and synergies in using the full potential of rural energy resources and applying holistic water management in national strategic planning. Read more…
GET-LDC proposes a new framework to analyse green growth transitions in Cambodia and Laos and other developing countries in two extremely natural resource dependent sectors; forestry and energy. Read more…
GREAT ELECTRIFICATION (SÄVÄYS) research project focuses on the full electrification of society, shaped by the uptake of renewable energy technologies and the new models of Peer-to-Peer Society. Read more…
ICI-CAMBODIA aimed to increase the capacity and substance knowledge of local teaching and researcher staff at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia in the field of renewable energy education and energy efficiency. Read more…
ICI-LAOS The objective of institutional partnership in the project stemmed from the need for capacity building in the field of energy and environmental education in the Faculty of Engineering in the National University of Laos. Networking between teachers and researcher provided possibilities for exchange of knowledge and curricula development. Read more…
INES project concentrated on energy related data collection and sustainable energy planning in one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia, Laos. Read more…
LEGITIMATE project aimed to identify the nature of norms linked to climate change and the international community’s perceptions on it, and their influence (linked to effectiveness) and legitimacy. The project developed an analytical framework for the purpose and applied this on different types of norms linked to climate change mitigation in the energy sector.
MAXWELL addresses the link between material consumption and climate change in order to seek pathways that balance overall well-being rather than prioritise excess consumption. Read more…
MODESPO project’s objective was that the society at large would benefit from better energy planning and more informed decision making, concerning the future development of Cambodia’s energy sector. In this way it also contributed to global climate change mitigation actions. Read more…
NEO-CARBON ENERGY research project examines a wholly renewable energy system with hydrocarbon storages. The foresight part of the project (NEO-FORE) anticipates socio-economic implications of the new energy system. As the energy system would be distributed and provide energy at low costs, it would promote a peer-to-peer society of grassroots organizations and energy production. Read more…
PROCEED project concentrates on energy access and efficiency in higher education capacity building in partner institutions located in Barbados, Jamaica and Cuba. The activities include organizing joint workshops, seminars, fostering information exchange, trainings on finance and coordination, and curricula development and research mobility. Read more…
RECLAIM analysed the opportunities and challenges that emerge when climate change initiatives are introduced in the least developed countries, specifically herein Laos and Cambodia. The research examined whether it is possible to simultaneously pursue development, mitigation and adaptation and how this will affect to poor and vulnerable groups. Read more…
REEPRO project was motivated by the fact that poor households in the Global South often lack access to basic energy services. The project focused on the provision of energy services to those currently underserved by higher quality energy services on the basis of introduction of renewable energies and energy efficiency. Read more…
SEED overall objective of the project was to contribute to sustainable energy planning through improved energy related knowledge and expertise in the target countries, Laos and Cambodia. Read more…
SUCCEED aims to enable partner institutions to educate national experts capable of advocating national and international climate change policy and renewable energy promotion from the perspective of least developed countries. Read more…
SURVEY objective of the research project was to provide basic data on rural resources and livelihood strategies in Cambodia. The analysis of the data and results of the study were aimed to support climate sensitive and sustainable natural resource policies and improved development assistance for poverty reduction in the country. Read more…
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